
The global hybrid.ai platform works with its stack of programmatic technologies and uses artificial intelligence algorithms at every stage of work. This allows you to purchase advertising on various resources in 48 countries and process up to 40 billion impressions per day in any available formats: banner, native, rich-media, interstitial, mobile, video and others


With Hybrid Insights, you can plan your advertising campaign before you start. You can estimate the traffic of your future advertising campaign by more than 25 parameters: reach, number of bids, percentage of devices, redemption rate and others.

The Hybrid Console is designed to run campaigns. You can use it to track indicators in real-time. It opens access to a wide range of programmatic advertising on any device and format. Campaigns can be optimized using SmartBid’s AI algorithms. And you can increase the convertibility of creatives by showing their relevant audience with the help of Dynamic creative optimization technology.

Hybrid Reports – is a tool for reporting and analyzing the performance of a campaign that has already ended. It allows you to track your campaign with various metrics, from bids and win rates to analyzing site audience behaviour. On the convenient dashboard, you can see in detail the data of the campaign in different sections and analyze the results. This tool provides complete transparency in the conduct of advertising campaigns.

TOOLS Hybrid.ai


Hybrid DMP – a platform for collecting, storing and managing user data. With DMP, you can perform any operations with audiences:

• Collection of data from any source (site, program, list of id from another platform)
• Creating custom audiences
• Create look-a-like audiences
• Using vendor segments
• Preservation of advertising activities
• Promoting users in the sales funnel

Keyword Builder

The Keyword Builder tool allows you to create narrow audience segments. The advertiser provides a list of words or phrases relevant to the target audience. After that, the feature includes those users who have visited pages that contain these words.


AI and Machine Learning technologies help improve advertising performance – the algorithm predicts the probability of clicks and user behaviour on the site.


DCO (Dynamic Creative Optimization) – a set of tools based on artificial intelligence to work with creatives.

Algorithms allow you to change the content of the banner depending on the trigger and display personalized ads to different groups of users.


The OpenWeatherMap portal provides weather data.


The technology allows you to target users by places of visit. The user’s GPS coordinates are passed along with the ad request and then mapped and mapped to a place category.


The technology allows you to show ads to users within the radius specified by the advertiser.

Hyperlocal targeting with Google Places support is available in the Hybrid in-app inventory.


  • Specify display location (desktop / mobile), format (native, in-stream, in-banner
  • Segment users by interacting with your video
  • Sync digital video ads with TV commercials

TV Sync.

The sync of TV and Digital advertising allows you to convey advertising messages to users and increase their involvement.

Broadcast data comes from Hybrid servers that monitor the air, or the advertiser provides an air network.

Geo-personalized Ads.

We determine the user’s geolocation and show him the distance to the nearest shops, pharmacies, stadiums, shopping centres or gas stations.

DCO – AI Creative Optimization.

AI Creative Optimization Platform – a set of tools based on artificial intelligence to work with creatives. Algorithms allow you to change the content of the banner depending on the CA of the potential customer.

Premium Programmatic.

Get the right to buy priority equipment on most top sites thanks to private deals technology.

When placed under private agreements, all targeting remains available.

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